We are dedicated not for profit community led initiative aiming to inspire, nurture, sign post and support young people through dance.
Our commitment to youth dance is strengthened by the positive impact our processes have on young people, who develop into determined, independent, confident and passionate dancers due to their experience at BUDC. We have seen some incredible talent, gritty determination and inspiring creativity emerge through our programme and this amplifies the importance of continuing this work.
This year we have worked with many young dancers, we have made and toured work, gone to see many professional works, dancers have created their own choreography. Many have gone on to do CAT programmes at Swindon Dance and study at degree level at places such as Northern School of Contemporary Dance and Laban.
In the current climate it is becoming increasingly difficult to offer these opportunities to young people, who need to remain committed to something life affirming. We would like to continue this work but need funding to make it possible.